
Create an Engaging Activity Calendar Using Data from Previous Events

February 8, 2024
Freddie Peyerl
Post by
Freddie Peyerl

As a senior living activity director, you understand the importance of creating engaging activities for your residents. But as you also know, it can be difficult to come up with new and exciting ideas on a regular basis. This is where data from previous events can be a valuable resource in creating an activity calendar that will keep your residents engaged and excited. By using Quiltt's activity tracking feature, you can easily see what types of activities, times of day, and other factors generate the greatest engagement.

In this article, we'll explore the process of creating an activity calendar using data from previous events. We'll start by discussing the importance of gathering and analyzing data, and then move on to identifying trends and creating the calendar itself. Finally, we'll offer tips for implementing the calendar successfully.


Gathering Data

The first step in creating an activity calendar using data from previous events is to gather the necessary data. This can include a variety of information, such as:

  • Attendance numbers for each activity
  • Resident feedback on specific activities
  • Time of day each activity was held
  • Duration of each activity
  • Type of activity (e.g. exercise, game, art project, etc.)

One of the easiest ways to gather this data is by using Quiltt's activity tracking feature. This feature allows you to easily track attendance numbers and gather resident feedback on each activity. You can also record the time and duration of each activity, as well as categorize it by type.


Analyzing Data

Once you've gathered the necessary data, the next step is to analyze it. This can help you identify trends and patterns that will inform your activity calendar. Some of the types of data you might want to analyze include:

  • Attendance numbers: Look for patterns in attendance numbers based on the time of day, day of the week, or type of activity.
  • Resident feedback: Use resident feedback to identify which activities were most popular and which ones could be improved.
  • Duration: Look for patterns in the duration of each activity. For example, you may find that residents prefer shorter activities or that they are more engaged during longer activities.
  • Type of activity: Analyze which types of activities are most popular and which ones are less engaging for your residents.

Again, Quiltt's activity tracking feature can make this process much easier. You can easily sort and filter the data based on different criteria to identify trends and patterns.


Identifying Trends

Once you've analyzed the data, the next step is to identify trends. This can help you create an activity calendar that is tailored to your residents' preferences and interests. Some of the trends you might identify include:

  • Preferred times of day: Look for patterns in attendance numbers to identify the times of day that are most popular for activities.
  • Preferred types of activities: Analyze the data to identify which types of activities are most engaging for your residents.
  • Preferred duration: Use the data to determine the ideal length of each activity.


Creating the Activity Calendar

Once you've identified the trends, it's time to create the activity calendar. This is where you can use the data to create a schedule that is tailored to your residents' interests and preferences. Some tips for creating a successful activity calendar include:

  • Be flexible: While it's important to create a schedule, it's also important to be flexible. Be prepared to make changes as needed based on resident feedback and attendance numbers.
  • Mix it up: Don't be afraid to try new activities and mix up the schedule. This can keep residents engaged and excited about upcoming events.
  • Incorporate resident suggestions: Use resident feedback to incorporate their suggestions into the activity calendar. This can help them feel more engaged and invested in the activities.
  • Repeat the past: Don’t be afraid to bring back events that have been used in the past. If an activity has performed poorly in the past, but the resident population has changed sufficiently, try something from prior months or years - all of your past activities are available in Quiltt.  


Implementing the Calendar

Once you've created the activity calendar, the final step is to implement it successfully. This involves effectively communicating the schedule to residents and staff, and ensuring that everything runs smoothly. Some tips for implementing the calendar include:

  • Communicate clearly: Make sure that residents and staff are aware of the schedule and any changes that may occur. This can be done through a variety of methods, such as posters, newsletters, or emails.
  • Get staff buy-in: Ensure that staff members are on board with the activity calendar and are prepared to help implement it effectively.
  • Be prepared for the unexpected: While you may have created a detailed schedule, it's important to be prepared for unexpected changes or events. Be flexible and adaptable as needed.



Creating an activity calendar using data from previous events can be a valuable tool for senior living activity directors. By gathering and analyzing data, identifying trends, and creating a schedule tailored to residents' preferences, you can create a calendar that keeps residents engaged and excited. Using Quiltt's activity tracking feature can make this process much easier, allowing you to easily gather and analyze data to inform your scheduling decisions. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can successfully implement an activity calendar that keeps your residents happy and engaged.