Effortlessly Plan Your Daily Menus

Transform your meal planning routing with our intuitive daily menu feature.

Designed for independent living, assisted living, and memory care communities.
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Printed activity calendars

Experience the Ease of Creating Meal Calendars with Quiltt

Quiltt's Daily Menu Feature offers multiple user-friendly options to create your meal calendar, accommodating various needs and preferences. Manually craft your meals with a customizable repeating cadence, effortlessly upload meal plans from your dietary team in any existing spreadsheet format, or integrate seamlessly with popular dietary software like Grove Menus. Our flexible platform adapts to your requirements, making the meal planning process efficient and hassle-free, regardless of your chosen method. Enjoy the convenience and simplicity of crafting your daily menu with Quiltt.

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Discover the Versatility of Sharing Your Daily Menu

Quiltt offers a variety of accessible options for sharing your daily menu with your community, ensuring everyone stays informed and engaged. Catering to diverse preferences, the daily menu can be easily accessed through our mobile app, web app, digital signage displayed throughout the community, or directly on in-room TVs. Our all-encompassing platform guarantees a smooth and convenient experience for all members, enabling effortless access to daily meal information, and fostering unity and communication within your community.

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Conveniently Print Your Daily Meal Calendar

Includes the option to print physical calendars, with a variety of customization options to fit your community's needs. You can choose to print in landscape or portrait with font sizes that are easy to read for all residents. Choose from over 150 customizable themes so you can personalize the look and feel of your community's calendar to match your brand or aesthetic. Additionally, you have the flexibility to print calendars on a monthly or weekly basis, depending on your residents' preferences. Quiltt's printing capabilities allow you to provide a tangible reminder of upcoming events and activities to your residents, making it easy for them to stay engaged with their community.

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Learn how it works.

Customize Your Meal Planning Preferences

Experience a personalized meal planning journey by customizing your preferences in Quiltt's Daily Menu Feature. Set meal times according to your community's schedule and choose the terminology that best suits your needs, whether you prefer "dinner" or "supper." Tailor your meal planning experience to fit your unique requirements.


Generate, Edit, and Finalize Your Daily Menus

Efficiently create your daily menus using Quiltt's powerful tools. Generate menus automatically or import them from external sources, then easily edit and fine-tune your meal plans. With a streamlined and user-friendly interface, finalizing your daily menus becomes a hassle-free task.

Share and Access Menus with Ease across Multiple Platforms

Ensure everyone stays informed and connected by sharing your daily menus through various accessible channels. Quiltt's platform allows for effortless sharing and access via mobile app, web app, digital signage, and in-room TVs, catering to the diverse preferences and needs of your community members.

Icons showing where Quiltt information is shared

Keep everything in sync

Mobile app icon

Community Apps

Everyone can stay up-to-date on upcoming meals, with the ability to sync the calendar directly to their mobile devices.

In-room TV icon

In-house TV channel

Keep residents informed by sharing the meal calendar to in-house TV channel, ensuring that nobody misses their favorite meal and nutrition is always top-of-mind.

Web app icon


By syncing the meal calendar directly to the community website, prospective residents and their families get a comprehensive view of the variety that's offered.

and everyone informed.

Senior living resident icon


Keep senior living residents engaged through easy-to-use tools and personalized recommendations.

Family icon


Allows family members to stay connected with their loved ones and stay up-to-date on "what's for dinner?"

Assisted living staff icon


Streamline administrative tasks, allowing staff to spend more time engaging with residents instead of tedious meal planning.

Start using Quiltt today